The electrical system is 12 volts with negative ground. Electricity is produced by a generator driven by a belt from the crankshaft pulley. Wiring - acid battery provides reserve (reserve) power (energy) for consumers when the needs of the system temporarily exceed the amount of energy supplied by the generator, and at start-up.
The negative terminal of the battery is connected to "earth" (car body) -and most components of the electrical system are connected so that "+" they receive batteries by wire, and "-" from the metal body of the car. Loose or corroded positive connections can cause short circuits in the electrical circuit.
An electrical system uses many semiconductor devices in "black boxes", which control vehicle functions and other components. Semiconductors are sensitive to overvoltage (or wrong polarity), and to high temperatures. Although some repairs are given in this Section, sometimes it is more practical to replace the faulty unit with another new one.