2. Remove drums and pads.
3. Substitute the pallet.
4. Clean the bolts securing the cylinder to the brake shield and the fitting (photo). Turn away the union and muffle a tube and an opening in the cylinder.
6.4 Brake pipe union
5. Turn away 4 nuts of fastening of the cylinder and remove spring washers. Take out the cylinder.
6. At dismantling remove covers, get heads of pistons and pistons. Remove cuffs from pistons (photo).
6.6 Wheel cylinder parts
1. Case; 3. Parshvn; 4. Cuff; 5. Cylinder; 6. Fitting for pumping; 7. Cap
7. Check the condition of the parts, the presence of scratches on the cylinder due to contamination in the fluid.
8. If the condition of the cylinder is satisfactory, then flush it with brake fluid.
9. Lubricate the new cuffs with liquid and install on the pistons so that the edges of the cuffs face the inside of the cylinder. Assemble the cylinder.
10. Further assembly is carried out in the reverse order. Bleed the brake hydraulics and bleed the air.